Camara Education Tanzania

KitKit Schools

KitKit School Project Summary

Scalable Pilot Model

The pilot project was co-funded by Camara, Enuma, and generous support from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)—the pilot aimed at designing a scalable and sustainable model which could be replicated in other schools.

The project was implemented for three months at Twiga Primary School in Dar es Salaam with 327 students from classes 1 – 3 using 100 tablets for 40 minutes a day. Students who participated in this project were struggling learners selected by the teachers themselves. Among these students, 16 students had special needs (hearing impairment) and they were supported by a special needs teacher during the implementation.


Sustainable Teacher Initiative

School teachers are now running Kit School sessions on their initiatives after the project. We aimed to develop a model that could be run by the teachers sustainably. So throughout the 8-week project,  the teachers tested different operation models with Camara to develop a model that the teachers could operate sustainably after the project. 

Through the first phase of this project, we confirmed the model can address the key factors for sustainability and scalability defined at the beginning of the project. The teachers are successfully running the program on their initiative after the project.  There was great teacher feedback and stakeholder support. Collected data suggests a great potential for improving learning outcomes, especially for struggling students.

Sustainable Teacher Initiative

We are now looking for opportunities to further improve the model and conduct deeper analysis by expanding the project to multiple schools in rural locations. We are in discussions with relevant government organs and we are looking for donors to support the scale-up of this project.

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